A couple of interesting pieces that I came across today:
-The following is the latest in a series by Lars Christensen that examines the components of inflation (supply versus demand) going decade by decade. Or in this case, the heyday of Volcker. I think it provides a useful way to measure whether loose money is the culprit in any given period.
-This article from The Economist mentions by name many of the bloggers who I peruse daily. And implicitly makes the very valid observation that too many of these folks are emotionally invested in their schools of thought.
And, finally, for anyone who follows the gold market, the price action is flirting with a break below the long term trend line. We've been here before. To repeat myself, again, the fundamentals have not changed. But, that doesn't promise us anything in the near term.
Broken Money
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
In light of my previous post, here's what I'm thinking: buy some GLD $180 calls that expire 3/16/13. Right now, you can get them fo...
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
The subtitle is Two Peking University Professors Explain All of China Business in Six Short Stories and the authors are Jonathan Woetzel an...