Friday, March 6, 2015

Whatever's on My Mind

-Speaking of Karl Anthony-Towns, I liked this article about the two Kentucky big men who are both destined to be lottery picks this spring.

-I see the topic on cable news each night – why is the U.S. negotiating with Iran? The best answer that I’ve come across is that it represents the best way for the U.S. to get itself out of the Middle East. Create a balance of power between the regional powers (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel) and the U.S. does not need to do the heavy lifting anymore. I do not think that Iran is going to bomb Israel off the map – for starters, it is a case of mutually-assured destruction; but, more relevant, the animosity between Sunnis and Shias is far greater than any such hatred between Israel and (pick a country in the neighborhood).

-I am hopeful that my professional situation will be updated and expanded by the summer…

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

NBA Year in Review

One might says it's a bit early to do a year in review since there are still over 20 games left to the regular season, but the Knicks' offseason basically started before the New Year.

Here's what I'm hoping for: tank the rest of the way and get as high a pick as possible.  I like Karl Anthony-Towns from Kentucky as the choice.  And buy back into the second round to get someone like Dez Wells from Maryland.  I have no idea who they get in free agency, and if you have to roll over that cap space for a year, do it.

Just to keep some connection with what's going on, though, I'm pulling for the Cavs.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...