Monday, July 26, 2010

Something other than gold

Thus far, the sum and substance of my investing ideas on this blog is the belief that gold and related stocks are the way to position one's portfolio going forward. As I have written, moneyprinting is the dominant theme, which means a true currency, outside the grips of central bankers, is the easiest and most obvious way to preserve wealth.

Nevertheless, there is one company out there that I happen to be a fan of: Microsoft. I think they are positioned to do very well over the next year or two, and I have taken a position through LEAPS, specifically the Jan 2012 30s. The company had very strong earnings last week, beating on both the top and bottom line, and is poised to continue on that path.

With the LEAPS, my gut tells me I have a double or triple in store. Granted, it is always a risk to use options, as they can expire worthless and you lose out on any dividends. Still, I think the LEAPS are pretty cheap right now and probably represent the stop loss I would consider if I owned the stock outright.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...