From Kyle Bass:
"Imagine a team of mountain climbers all strapped together for safety as they ascend a treacherous peak. While they are all holding on to the mountain there is no additional strain placed on each other. Now consider what happens if one climber, let's call him Stavros, slips and loses his grip. He places added strain on the remaining climbers. One climber might not make a difference, but as Seamus, Pablo and Jose each lose their grip they not only add extra total dead weight to the team but also increase the amount each other climber has to carry, until finally Francois, Luigi and Takehiro let go and poor Jurgen, and Uncle Sam are left trying to keep the whole team on the mountain."
Broken Money
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
In light of my previous post, here's what I'm thinking: buy some GLD $180 calls that expire 3/16/13. Right now, you can get them fo...
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
The subtitle is Two Peking University Professors Explain All of China Business in Six Short Stories and the authors are Jonathan Woetzel an...