Interesting article which identifies 5 goals that all men should strive for in terms of physical capability:
1) Achieve a waist circumference of .80 or less
2) Bench one rep at 1.5 times your body weight
3) Do a set of 10 pull-ups
4) Run one mile in no more than 6.5 minutes
5) Reach down and touch your toes
The list is not meant to mirror as any kind of scientific study of what's required in order to be in "shape", just a list of goals which speak to good health.
With respect to number 4, since returning from my stress injury, I am surprisingly close to being back at that sort of pace for any given mile (although I used be able to do multiple miles at that type of pace or better). I know I can do 3 and 5. Never checked on 1, but I have always been thin and weigh the same now that I did in college. Number 2 is likely the biggest challenge. Again, in my early twenties, I could bench twice my weight. Lately, I typically max out with a set of 3 to 4 reps at about 1.2 times my weight. But, something to try for, I guess.
Broken Money
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