The last time I returned to running after an injury, I trumpeted it with a much more exuberant post header. I am trying to be a bit more careful this time, in all respects.
As the title might suggest, after exactly 100 days of healing, I tried running again for the first time yesterday. A very modest and short run, under the supervision of a physical therapist, but it was a start. Overall, in handling the sequel to my stress injury, I think I was more proactive in treatment and made efforts to be more careful about how much exertion I experienced on a daily basis. I also did a better job of trying to do other things that might remain a part of my routine, such as swimming, where I actually took some lessons since technique is so important.
Recently, I also read the book Run Less, Run Faster by Bill Pierce, Scott Murr and Ray Moss (2007, 2012). Through their FIRST program, the authors are big proponents of the 3Plus2 system, an exercise routine in which there are 3 key runs each week plus 2 other days of cross-training. The runs are comprised of one speed interval day, a tempo day, and a long run. The suggested methods of cross-training, which are days in which the athlete gets some rest from the movements and rigors of running, include swimming, cycling, deepwater running and rowing. The whole idea is that variety and avoiding too much running will help to keep a runner injury-free and from getting overworked and exhausted. And the results, apparently, are race times that continue to improve for those who follow it. The book includes a whole bunch of suggested training programs, for both the running and cross-training segments. I look forward to seeing what it can do for me.
Broken Money
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In light of my previous post, here's what I'm thinking: buy some GLD $180 calls that expire 3/16/13. Right now, you can get them fo...
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
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