My instinct for a long time has been that Hillary would win, and so now we are finally at the finish line where this country will be hoisted by its own petard. And, for that reason, even as I don't support Donald Trump, I am saddened by what seems like an inevitability now. When she wins the election, it will confirm absolutely that there is a class of people in this country who are able to operate and live above the law. That is not up for debate.
There are too many who would say that nothing came out of the of private server issue, but I would beg to differ. People who traffic in confidential information get prosecuted and fined, even when that act was performed without mal-intent. But, in this instance, the next President, who clearly did exactly that, gets away with a job promotion.
And it doesn't even end there. The Wikileaks emails confirmed what we also already knew -- that her non-profit served her profit motive in many ways -- she and the other Clinton have made $150 million, simply by being politicians.
And the list goes further as well. She was a first lady who failed at health care. She was a senator who did not sponsor a single bill of substance (forgive me if I don't think that she deserves much credit for the legislation that supported NYC after 9/11 -- as I challenge you to tell me that any senator from New York would not have been able to do that, at that moment in time). And, as Secretary of State, her resume should read:
-Failed reset with Russia
-Failed pivot to Asia
-Libya (failed state)
-Syria (failed state)
Stellar, all.
So, to parrot a quote that I posted on this site earlier this year, she seems to have the magical ability to fail up in her political career. She is a useful servant of the elites and oligarchs -- in fact, she is an oligarch herself. And with the money that she has behind her, she is able to convince enough of the uniformed masses/useful idiots that the status quo is better than the unknown. Better to fail conventionally then to succeed unconventionally.
In any event, tomorrow is another day, and life will go on after that. The fate of humanity does not hang in the balance, but it's still disappointing that so many continue to be asleep.
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