Over the past few months I have been having an internal conversation in an attempt to dig in on what the real travesty is in this country. And I think it comes down to blatant hypocrisy. I can accept losing, even when I think the guiding wisdom for that loss is donkey logic (pun intended). What I struggle with is rationalizing double standards with no accountability, as if there is a moral and intellectual superiority that makes awful behavior somehow better if it is generated by one side of the debate rather than other. Thus, I stumbled onto a libertarian blog post (primarily focused on the debate around wearing masks -- I wear a mask, as does 80% of the country), and the following couple of sentences encapsulated my own feelings extremely well:
"The Left specializes in situational ethics; in fungible etymology. Like Humpty Dumpty, a word means what Left says it does until the Left says its means something else...The Left is defined not so much by its leftism but its psychotic doublethink. It is rancidly intolerant while touting itself as ethereally tolerant."