Another post about the Miami Heat.
When the Big 3 came together in Miami, I am on record on this blog as writing that while it may be wishful thinking to believe that the team won't win any titles, that the idea of some sort of dynastic run was just as far-fetched. Two years in and I am still comfortable with that position. A few reasons:
1) Wade is like an NFL running back. He is an incredibly physical player, but the wear and tear of playing that way is catching up to him. If you were looking at his career arc, he is far closer to the end of his dominant years than the beginning or middle.
2) Chris Bosh is not the right third wheel. They need a defensive anchor down low. Someone like Tyson Chandler.
3) My view was that Miami was imbalanced and that someone else would overtake them as a more complete 1 to 9. Well that team is playing them in the Finals right now. Whether they win this year or not (and I'm not conceding anything yet), the Thunder have a far better shot of being like the '90s Bulls than does anyone else at the moment (barring injuries and salary cap issues).
So, in closing, I think this year might be Miami's best shot. Again, I am not handing them a title yet. Game 4 is crucial, and as Game 3 was OKC's first road game in their first Finals appearance, and came on the heels of a very disappointing loss at home, the outcome should not be a shock. If the Heat can hold Durant down again, then it might be time to schedule the parade. But, let's at least wait until Tuesday night to see if that happens.
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