Friday, August 3, 2012

Observations (for the end of the week)

-Bill Fleckenstein made the insightful comment today that on the heels of the Fed and ECB sitting on their collective hands this week, and the payroll report coming in better than expected, it would have surprised no one if gold had been smashed.  But it wasn't, perhaps foretelling of better times ahead.  My personal take has been that September/October would be when the real fireworks started, which dovetails well with an expected QE3 out of the next FOMC meeting, and a likely comparable measure out of the ECB around the same time.  I believe my LEAPs positions in AUY, GG and EGO will start to pay off.

-The Japanese Yen is not able to break below the 78 level.  And with the monetary measures coming, I don't see any reason that it will.  Which bodes well for my FXY puts (but, truthfully, I have less conviction about this idea these days).

-I watch Morgan Stanley stock.  If I were going to get short a financial at some point, that's my girl.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...