Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What's On My Mind - 12.19.12

-Another great video of Kyle Bass. What did he say? History is important because it gives you a larger data set. He thinks the money-printing story plays out to its logical conclusion in the next 2-3 years. As a general rule, the Rubicon is when debt becomes 15 or 20 times government revenue.

-The Yen / JGB idea is getting a lot of air time lately. And the sentiment seems to be fairly one-sided, so be careful. But, the larger trend is now in motion.

-I still think gold is going to make a big move going into the spring. And the May March 2013 GLD options that I mentioned recently have only gotten cheaper, by more than half. I am very tempted.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...