Friday, July 26, 2013
Free Markets at last?
I have been paying attention over recent months to the quickly declining eligible gold holdings in Comex vaults for JP Morgan and other bullion banks (all of which suggested the possibility that the day of reckoning was approaching for the paper market). Add to that, there has been some media focus this past week to the idea of manipulation by financial institutions in the commodity space, such as with aluminum. So, like Zero Hedge, consider me less than shocked then that JP Morgan has decided to exit the physical commodity business…
Broken Money
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
In light of my previous post, here's what I'm thinking: buy some GLD $180 calls that expire 3/16/13. Right now, you can get them fo...
The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...
The subtitle is Two Peking University Professors Explain All of China Business in Six Short Stories and the authors are Jonathan Woetzel an...