Monday, March 10, 2014

Around the Web (and other notes)

-This week’s edition of Asia Confidential highlights why South Korea is a stock market to watch. There is a current account surplus and an innovative population – but the part I’m focused on is the likely and eventual unification with the North, and all that brings with it.

-I feel this 2009 piece from George Friedman on Russia and Ukraine offers good insights into the current situation.

-As mentioned before, I am trying to build my own real estate firm, focusing on the markets and opportunities that I deem the most interesting and profitable. In a seller’s market, it is challenging to get stuff done. But, with each deal that we get close on, I’m learning something and continuing to build out my network.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...