A really
worthwhile read from Stratfor:
10 years ago, Stratfor published a series on Russia's historical
boom-and-bust cycle. At that time, Russia was clearly at the height of a boom,
rebuilding itself into a stable and robust power. Today, the country is quickly
descending into the next, less pleasant stage. The strategy that revitalized
the country is becoming less effective, forcing Russia and its leaders to act
more aggressively at home and abroad. Though still assertive, Russia is no
longer acting from a position of strength. The country may maintain some
semblance of strength for years to come, but its fragility will eventually
become apparent, forcing it into the next phase of the cycle.
Geography's Role in Russian History
nearly eight centuries, Russia has been trapped in a loose cycle: It rises from
chaos, returns as a regional and sometimes even global power, grows aggressive
as the system cracks, and then collapses before rising again. The cycle is less
about political choice than it is about geographic constraints. Geographically
speaking, Russia is operating from an inherently weak position. It is the
largest country in the world, covering roughly 13 time zones (split now into
four mega-zones). Yet 75 percent of the country is virtually uninhabitable
frozen tundra that becomes marshland in the summer, making domestic trade
extremely difficult. Maritime trade is also difficult for Russia, given that
its only warm-water port, on the Black Sea, is blocked by rivals, including Turkey. Therefore, the country has
struggled to develop economically.
Russia's heartland — which runs from St. Petersburg south through Moscow and
into the Volga region — lies on a series of plains, making it vulnerable from
all sides. This has forced Russia to seek to expand its borders and influence
outward to create a buffer zone between its heartland and rival regional
powers. As Catherine the Great famously put it: "I have no way to defend
my borders except to extend them." The longest sustained example of this
expansion occurred during the Soviet period, when the Russian heartland was
shielded by Siberia, 14 other Soviet republics and seven Eastern Bloc
Russian influence comes at an immense financial, military, political and social
cost. During the Soviet period, Moscow had to centralize control over the
entire Soviet space, subsidizing most of the Soviet states' economies while
managing their diverse populations. Moreover, Soviet gross domestic product was
half of U.S. GDP, even though the two countries had roughly the same
population. By the last decade of the Soviet Union, Western intelligence
sources estimated that half of Soviet industrial output went toward building up
the military, causing vast shortages of industrial goods. Thus the dilemma:
Russia must expand to survive, but that expansion is unsustainable and has historically
led to its collapse.
A Perpetual Cycle
cycle can be divided into roughly three parts: collapse, resurrection and
fragility. It starts with a catalyst that causes governance to break down and
disrupts the social order, leading to collapse. Historically, this has taken
many shapes. In the 13th century, it was the Mongol invasion; in the 17th
century, the Time of Troubles; in the 20th century, the Russian Revolution,
fall of the Soviet Union and the 1998 financial crisis.
collapse comes the next stage of Russia's cycle: resurrection. Typically the
system that governed during the crisis is transformed into something new —
usually with a strong personality at the fore. This figure tends to create a stable
system in which Russia can consolidate itself and its borderlands. This figure
also fosters a sense of national identity, helping Russians and peripheral
populations unite under a common patriotism.
include Ivan III, who threw off the Mongol yoke and united Russia; the first
Romanov tsar, Mikhail I, who led Russia out of the civil wars of the 16th
century; the "greats," Peter and Catherine, who transformed Russia
into a global empire; Vladimir Lenin, who transformed Russia into the Soviet
Union; and arguably, Vladimir Putin, who ushered in prosperity following the
Soviet collapse.
however, has been able to overcome Russia's geographic challenge. All have
fallen into the problematic pattern of trying to consolidate the heartland
while expanding Russian influence, practically ensuring their own collapse.
When the inevitable stress points begin to emerge — whether political, social,
security or economic — Moscow tends to tighten its grip and to act more
aggressively within and along its borders.
leaders, who were once seen as the saviors of Russia, are either replaced with,
or evolve into, more authoritarian (and often ruthless) leaders, who quash
dissent and aggressively defend Russia's borders and borderlands. This is the
age of fragility. Fragility leaders lack the stability their predecessors
enjoyed and have less time to devote to consolidation and nation building,
making them appear more erratic.
leaders often emerge from crumbling systems. The most famous fragility
leader was the Soviet Union's Josef Stalin. Similarly, when droughts and
famines followed Ivan III's and his successor's successful tenures, Ivan IV —
aka "The Terrible" — severely restricted freedom of movement and
lashed out in a series of wars against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,
eventually leading to civil war after his death.
history, internal and external pressures first lead to political, economic,
social and foreign policy stagnation before the cracks in the system force a
complete transformation. At times, such transformations are simply political,
such as the transition from Stalin to Nikita Khrushchev; at others, the entire
system collapses into chaos, such as the fall of the Russian Empire or the
Soviet Union. Then, the cycle begins anew.
Putin's Edition of the Cycle
rise and endurance of Putin and his government fit within Russia's historical
cycle. After the Soviet collapse, Russia lost direct control over its
borderlands. The country devolved into chaos. Broken attempts to transition to
a market economy through what was known as shock therapy only led to radical
privatizations and the rise of oligarchs — which in turn resulted in a 40 percent
decline in GDP and a deep financial crisis by 1998. The political
landscape wasn't much better. The government was made up of dozens of parties
with vastly different agendas all attempting to agree on a new political
system. The security services and military were further degraded by
President Boris Yeltsin. The Russian people struggled to find a new identity to unite them as the Soviet
Union had. Rumblings of secession arose in many of Russia's regions, with a
brutal war erupting between Moscow and its Northern Caucasus republics,
particularly Chechnya.
bureaucrat from St. Petersburg, Putin was appointed by Yeltsin to head the
KGB's successor, the Federal Security Bureau, in 1998. The intelligence agency
was charged with containing the chaos. Yeltsin assumed that Putin, a Moscow
outsider, would not be able to challenge him. But Putin and his cadre of
loyalists from St. Petersburg (many former KGB agents) took strong steps
against the various problems facing Russia, and by the next year he was prime
minister. Once in office, he continued to consolidate and rebuild the security
services and military. He issued ultimatums to the Russian regions to support
the government financially and politically and to cease talk of secession.
Putin's efficiency began to convince many Moscow elites to support him, and he
eventually supplanted Yeltsin as president.
the time, Putin was seen as a great reformer, consolidating the country
economically, politically and socially. He cracked down on the oligarchs,
seizing strategic assets for the state — such as the highly coveted energy sector. He streamlined the political
process, bolstering a single party under his control with the opposition
parties built into a system he could manipulate. He reined in the unruly Northern Caucasus, dividing the region's
militant groups and creating a broadly loyal Chechen force to help end the
Second Chechen War. Perhaps most important, he made a social pact with the
Russian people to stabilize and boost the country.
luck also helped. Global energy prices began to rise
sharply in 2004 and natural gas demand in Europe rose dramatically — just
as Russia got its energy production back up following the Soviet collapse.
Flush with cash, Russian GDP rose tenfold between 2000 and 2009. Russians'
standard of living increased fourfold, and real disposable income rose 160
percent. Unemployment and the poverty rate were reduced by half. But with more
income came more military spending: Under Putin, spending on the military increased nearly
most of Putin's leadership, the Russian economy and its financial position have
been relatively stable. This enabled Moscow to focus on its borderlands — and
specifically to push back against what it perceived as persistent foreign
encroachment following the Soviet collapse. NATO and the European Union had
expanded into some of the former Warsaw Pact and Soviet states, either offering
them membership or association agreements. But with the United States
preoccupied with the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Moscow was able to
gain traction against what it perceived as expanding foreign influence on its
made its own security alliances to counter NATO with the creation of the
Collective Security Treaty Organization in 2002. Moscow also used its energy
resources to manipulate alliances on its borders. It used a series of energy
cutoffs to Europe to ensure that Ukraine and Georgia would not be admitted into
NATO. Then, Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, and NATO did not intervene. In
2010, Moscow pressured Ukraine to elect a more Russia-friendly leader. From
2010 to 2015, Russia expanded its economic union with Kazakhstan and Belarus to
include Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
West painted Putin as a thug and Russia as an aggressor, but the Russian people
praised the man who helped their country return to being a regional, and even
global, power. Putin fulfilled his social contract with the Russian public, and
in return, the people loved him.
Signs of Weakness Presage the Next Phase
Putin's popularity, his rule is beginning to show signs of weakness, and
threats to Russia's stability and external influence are increasing. The cycle,
it seems, has not been broken. In 2014, Russia experienced a series of blows to
its power. First, the Russian-friendly government in Ukraine was overturned in
another uprising, leading to a staunchly pro-Western government in Kiev. Moscow
attempted to incite the country against what it deemed a Western-backed coup,
but its attempts only revealed the limits of Russian power. Now, Russia has
only limited influence in a sliver of eastern Ukraine held by Russian-backed rebels.
actions in eastern Ukraine united the European Union and the United States to
exact a series of economic sanctions on the country and on several of its
citizens. Meanwhile, oil prices crashed, falling from triple-digit prices per
barrel in mid-2014 to the low $40s per barrel today. The combination of low oil
prices and conflict with the West caused foreign investment into Russia to
plummet by 50 percent in 2014. By 2015, foreign investment fell to nearly zero.
The Russian ruble fell by 40 percent in 2014 and remained volatile the
following year, and capital flew from the country, $160 billion in 2014 and
another $85 billion in 2015.
Russian people are bearing the brunt of the economic pain. With the decline in
the currency, 25 percent of Russians have had their salaries cut, and 15
percent have lost their jobs altogether. The average monthly wage has dropped
to below $450 a month, less than in China, Romania and Serbia. On average,
Russians have spent half their incomes on food this year. And more than half of
Russians believe that their economic position will only worsen in the years to
The current recession in Russia differs from
the 2008-2009 economic crisis, which was part and parcel of the global
financial crisis. Moreover, this recession is coupled with foreign policy
shortcomings in Ukraine and in its standoff with the West. Russia is now seen
as isolated on the international stage. The Kremlin has sporadically rallied national support over
the past two years with its annexation of Crimea and with its intervention in
Syria against the wishes of the West, but such acts have only momentarily
increased patriotism.
the economic and foreign crises are starting to burden Putin's government,
forcing the Russian leader to become increasingly authoritarian, according to
the cycle. Even Ivan the Terrible started out popular, carrying on his
grandfather's push to transform Russia from a medieval regional state to a
far-reaching empire. It was not until famines and failed wars began to threaten
Russia that Ivan IV became the brutal leader he is now remembered as. Putin
could meet the same fate. He faces similar dilemmas, and will soon have to make
tough decisions on how to maintain power and stability and protect Russia's
cash flows diminish, the political, security and business elite that make up
the current Russian government are grasping for assets and power. Previously,
Putin has been able to manage such power-grabs, but over the past two years the
elite have pushed back, leading to the fall of some of the most powerful men in the country.
Increasingly concerned that those fallen leaders will band against him,
Putin is surrounding himself with loyalists who have no power of their
own. Progressively uncertain of the loyalty of the Russian military and
security services, the Russian leader has also created his own personal
military, the National Guard, made up of 400,000 troops
directly accountable to him.
has been able to rule Russia with an iron grip for 16 years because of his
government's popularity, but this, too, is slipping. Approval ratings for the
government have fallen from 66 to 26 percent, and Putin's personal approval
rating has fallen from 88 percent to 74 percent over the past two years. In
recent parliamentary elections in September, voter turnout was the lowest in
post-Soviet history, revealing the lack of faith in the process and government.
In those elections, Putin was able to massage the results enough to give his
party, United Russia, a supermajority so he could push through the tough and
unpopular legislation necessary to hold power. Under the increasingly
authoritarian leader, the government passed a series of draconian laws to suppress the
Russian people should dissent become instability.
domestic challenges come as pressures on the country's borders continue to
mount. Russia's intervention in Ukraine has vacillated between a frozen and
low-intensity conflict. The West maintains sanctions on Russia and is even
discussing expanding those sanctions because of Moscow's intervention in Syria.
NATO continues to build up its position along Russia's periphery, and Moscow's
attempt to gain leverage in its talks with the West via Ukraine and Syria has
fallen relatively flat in recent months. Russia could ramp up hostilities in the
various theaters under negotiation with the West, but this risks isolating and
over-extending Russia even more — similar to what happened in the period
between Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev.
is not to say Russia is on the brink of collapse, only that the country is
entering the next phase of its historical cycle, in which the state is highly
vulnerable yet increasingly aggressive. Putin will therefore be acting from
a position of survival instead of strength.
Russia could muddle along in its compromised position for some time, but
eventually the cycle must progress, and the next phase of transformation will