Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Why We Fight

The subtitle is One Man’s Search For Meaning Inside the Ring and the author is Josh Rosenblatt (2019).

The story really resonated with me.  The author is the typical New York hipster/artist/writer, who spent much of his life as a pacifist, but in many ways as a compensation to avoid his fear of getting hurt.  Until one day, when he was 33, he got bored of living life in fear, and developed an obsession with fighting that led him to train and eventually take on his first MMA fight at the age of 40.

When I read Skin in the Game, the line that stuck with me was that you can only have evolution with the threat of extinction.  Mr. Rosenblatt’s tale confirms that very notion.  The line from his book that I will remember (quoting another) is that one should do “something enthusiastically enough to get hurt”.  This book is great.

Broken Money

The subtitle is Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better , and the author is Lyn Alden (2023). I feel like I hav...