Saturday, November 7, 2020


So, as we face the likelihood of a Biden Presidency, the saving grace for me is that the Republicans maintained control of the Senate and picked up seats in the House.  That's good news, because it means on some level, the identity politics and socialist aspirations of the group which has coopted the message of the Democratic party has not gained as much traction as I feared.  There were definitely a lot of people who simply voted to get Trump out, but also recognize the glaring weaknesses of the extreme left agenda.

I bring that up, because too much of what you see in the media represents the worst of what the Democrats have to offer.  It is accusations of racism all around, framing all issues in the context of identity politics, and generally misleading their audience on what matters and why.

Let's take a few examples.

We had the Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent systemic racism/defund the police outcry.  If you listened to CNN, or read the NYT or Washington Post, you would think that all minorities had subscribed to the views espoused under those banners.  And then the election comes, and Trump does better with minorities than any Republican since 1960.  How to reconcile?

Maybe, just maybe, it turns out that the folks who bear the burden of these trends are the minorities who live in the communities where policing and the presence of law enforcement is most important.  Maybe, just maybe, legal immigrants in Florida and Texas agree that people should enter this country legally.  Maybe, just maybe, demographics is not destiny, and the best ideas still win.  Maybe, just maybe, what Trump was talking about is not just racism, racism, racism.  Maybe, just maybe, the folks who come from socialist countries know just how shitty that reality really is, and the messaging of AOC, Warren and Harris really only appeals to woke white people who have no idea what these "wonderful", egalitarian ideas evolve into.

After the election, I saw a number of articles in "serious" newspapers that simply doubled down on the racism explanation.  Disregard all of the above and continue to let dumb ideas guide you, because the Republicans are going to get even more seats in 2022,  And, my guess, they will get the White House back in 2024.

What the lunatic left is really doing is projecting their own worst tendencies onto the political opposition.  Guess what, looks like Trump lost, and no one rioted.  We know who the retailers in NY and LA and DC were actually afraid of.  The left accuses people of intolerance because they themselves are intolerant.  I don't pretend to speak for everyone who shares my political views, but I am comfortable in accepting that other views exist.  What we have learned is that the people who don't agree with me don't really have that ability.  They have to explain and rationalize the opposition in the most deviant and evil ways possible.  It failed this time, and it will continue to fail in the future.

Broken Money

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