Biden probably won, but the legal process will have to play itself out. Nevertheless, some thoughts in the aftermath...
-"STOP THE VOTE!"...if you are not allowing Republican poll watchers in.
-"COUNT THE VOTES!"...before calling Arizona.
-The Pennsylvania Supreme Court did something unconstitutional and the vote in that state is going to be the epicenter of legal battles. To explain, the Court unilaterally changed the election law, passed by the legislator in that state, such that ballots that arrived after 8pm on Election Day could still be counted. There are multiple concerns here. First, all authority to set election rules in that state are vested with the legislature, so a problem with what the court did to change a rule which is unambiguously clear in its intent. Second, the law which they overturned also stipulated that the provisions were not severable, so if one portion failed, the whole law becomes invalidated. Needless to say, this will make its way to the US Supreme Court, and I expect them to rule that the ballots received and counted after 8pm on November 3 should not be included, and the state flips back to Trump. And for those wondering, the Republicans challenged the change before the election, and the USSC simply said that it would not rule on this matter before November 3.
-To say there is election fraud does not mean that Trump will win. The second condition is that the fraud has to have meaningfully changed the outcome. We should be allowed to find out whether both conditions have been met.
-Gore in 2000: Hero. Stacey Abrams in 2018: Hero. Trump in 2020: Wahhhhhhhhh!
-"They don't hate you because they hate Trump. They hate Trump because they hate you."