I do love how transparent and honest the new administration has been so far. Especially with respect to COVID. As you may be aware, President Biden is striving for the very aggressive tally of 100 million vaccinations over the first 100 days of his term. Relatively easy math, that is about 1 million vaccinations per day. Impressive, no? Wait, you're not impressed?! Well, let Jen Psaki, the new White House press secretary, regale you then:
"Well, none of us are mathematicians, myself included, so I asked our team to do a little math on this. So, the Trump administration was given 36 million doses when they were in office for 38 days. They administered a total of about 17 million shots. That’s about less than 500,000 shots a day. What we’re proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day. And we have outlined this goal and objective in coordination and consultation with our health and medical experts.
So it is ambitious. It’s something that we feel is bold and was called that certainly at the time, and we’re working overtime to help to achieve it — try to achieve it."
Turns out that I'm not a mathematician either, but I'm also not a gullible idiot. What Ms. Psaki provided is an average of how many doses were administered, which is a number, but not one that actually offers any context for whether the Biden plan is actually an improvement. As it turns out, per Bloomberg, in the final week of the Trump term, average daily vaccines were up to 938,000 doses per day.
So, they are BOLDLY increasing vaccinations by 62,000 doses per day -- and they are working overtime to do it. Dat shur iz sumthin.
I'm here all week, try the veal.